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Running or walking: What is best for weight loss in different environments?

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When it comes to sustainable weight loss, simple hacks do the trick more than the complex, as they are easier to follow over a long period of time. Two of the most heart-healthy workouts that can help boost overall well-being are running and walking. Fitness lovers are trying out different variations of the two exercises and making rapid strides in their weight loss journey. While any of the two or both are advised to achieve your fitness goals, there are certain environments or settings where either of the two is more suitable or has additional benefits. For instance, running on uneven terrain is great for burning more calories compared to walking, but it could pose an injury risk. Similarly running on a treadmill can help you achieve impressive results in an indoor setting.

Let's find out which workout - running or walking is better suited in different environments?
Trails: When to walk and when to run

Certain terrains can give you a natural advantage and hiking could speed up your weight loss even when the pace is slow. Depending on your fitness and experience levels, you can alternate between walking and running when walking a trail. Steep slopes do not require speed and even walking with a moderate pace is enough to lose oodles of weight. Monitoring of heart rate is recommended and if it goes up too high, slow down, and speed up again when it's normal. Running is more appropriate when going downhill, and one should gradually increase their speed.

Verdict: Running on a trail or hiking path is more suitable for people with good joint health and high fitness levels. Walking on the other hand is suitable for people with different fitness levels and all age groups. Where running is not possible, brisk walking can be attempted.

Both running and walking on a treadmill have great benefits for your weight loss journey. Based on your fitness priority at the given moment, you can choose either of the two. Running on a treadmill can help burn calories rapidly. According to a study published in the American Journal of Cardiology, vigorous-intensity aerobic exercise has greater benefits for the heart compared to moderate-intensity exercises. However, if you are new to this fitness routine, walking on the treadmill must be a preferred workout for you.

Verdict: Run on the treadmill if you work out regularly, enjoy good bone and joint health, and have age at your side. Choose to walk on a treadmill, if you are starting out on your weight loss journey, suffer from blood pressure issues, and elderly.


Running and walking on sidewalks can be chosen depending on whether the streets are busy or quiet. Running can be attempted (wearing good running shoes), if the road is less crowded and you enjoy good joint health. Walking on the other hand is a more practical option for people with busy schedules as they can choose any convenient time to add to their step count.

Verdict: Walking is usually preferred to running when it comes to following this fitness routine on a sidewalk.
Walking on sand can help you shed more pounds than walking on a plain surface. Walking or running on this surface can help boost strength of the legs, build muscular endurance and shed more calories compared to walking on a stable surface. This is because when you place your foot in the sand, it sinks into it, and this requires your muscles to work extra hard. Walking on sand is quite beneficial. Studies have shown that running on sand requires about one-and-a-half times more energy compared to running on a hard surface.

Verdict: Walking on sand is safer than running on sand as the latter requires better muscular strength. People who have good muscular strength can speed up their weight loss by running on sand.
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